
Confessions of a Control Freak

Stuff of Life I'm not going to do an update. Suffice it to say things have been going. Not necessarily going well, just going. Our feet are still technically under us. Barely. At the end of this week, hopefully things will start to shift. But I had to blog and share my excitement about a new project, or rather an old project in a new form. Check it out in full at the FLYlady blog (google for the link... I'm lazy). It's a whole system of keeping organized and staying on top of things that I think I might love. I'm going to try it anyways. The first part of the "Control Book" starts with "My Bedtime Routine". Seriously could be the most important part of the day because how you go to sleep can change how you wake up. On the routine she has 1) Shine sink (kitchen that is, because isn't it so great waking up to a clean sink without grubby dishes?) 2) lay out clothes (a great idea for me since I spend all sorts of time finding my clothes and the kids at the same time and am usually frustrated by the process in the morning especially when we have to go somewhere!) 3) Brush teeth (good idea!) and finally GO TO BED AT A DECENT TIME! So, other than that last one, I am starting this tonight. Okay actually I don't currently have enough clean clothes to get me out of the house, but I'll put together something reasonable for in the house tomorrow while I catch up on laundry. The sink? I plan to take all the dishes out of it, stack them on the counter, clean it and leave it. Yes, that's right, tonight I'm relocating the problem but according to her, that's okay (Stack them on the floor if you have to, she writes!) And brush teeth? That's a given. And I look forward to my Cinnamon Rush toothpaste every night! Gotta Go Be Organized!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Count me in. I'm going to google it.