So Ali Edwards, my scrap idol, over on her blog has begun this one week challenge/project to document the everyday things you do for one week. Keep the camera at hand to capture the little things in life that we see daily but take for granted, the precious moments (not to be confused with those bizzare porcelain figurines) we forget so easily, the regular stuff that makes our life our life. So I began this morning. My first photo of the day and of the week was this one:
Remembering to take my camera with me everywhere and keep it near was challenge number one. I actually managed to get myself, the 3 kiddles, the diaper bag, my purse, camera, and very heavy bag of veggies out to Jackie's place by 8:45 this morning. We spent the morning making zucchini relish, and chatting about this and that. By the end of the morning we'd laughed, cried and run an enormous 48 cups of zucchini, plus peppers, and onions (thus the crying) though the food processor.
So back home to hang with Finny and Carmen, tidy up a bit, do not much of anything before picking Miriam up again. Carmen conked out on the ten minute drive home and I popped her in bed but nap time didn't take. Finnegan slept. So did I... not realizing nap time was not a part of Carmen's reality. I woke up in my reclining chair to Miriam about 3 inches from my face, smiling at me, telling me about something she'd just done or created. I'm not sure what - it was all foggy at that point. But the sound of my girl, who rarely cries for more than 20 seconds, screaming her head off upstairs in the bassinette cleared my head pretty quickly. Uh oh. Confession time. I have no idea how long she was crying. Could have been a while and based on the fact that it took me 20 minutes to calm her down, I felt pretty bad about it. So no nap. Makes for cheerful kids, eh?
Jim came home from work early and we had early supper - tacos, which are a crown pleaser around here! I went out to Jackie's to pick up my camera, and on the way home hit the local value village where I picked up this sweet deal Juicer for $9.99. It seriously looks like it's never been used. Woo hoo! It might even work! (Maybe I'll try it tomorrow)
Bathtime, brush teeth, bed. Carmen is upstairs having a hard time sleeping because she's so overtired. Happliy her thumb never leaves her and I'm praying she'll calm down eventually. For tonight I've got a reflection for my course, and a lecture to help Jim put together for Chem. Best of all, my day ends with one of these... a glacier/screamer which is a heavenly combination of soft serve icecream and coke slurpee. Yum! Thanks Jim!
'Til tomorrow!