
Sunshine and Roses... NOT!

Spiritual Insight of the Day Okay, so I know "Not" is totally uncool and dates me since it was around in the late 80's. But I'm okay with that. I never once implied that I might believe myself to be cool! I have hit serious spiritual doldrums right now. For those of you who don't know the doldrums are these areas of the ocean where sailors used to sail through and get stuck for days and weeks because the winds just disappeared and there was no wind in their sails and they weren't going anywhere. Places to avoid when you're living in the 1600's and you haven't got enough food (and beer) on board to keep the crew happy and the rats are running around and the disease infested place gets filthier and filthier and everyone is just miserable and trapped until the wind picks up again. Okay, my doldrums are not so bad as that. We haven't had mice in our house since last fall (that was an ordeal) and the disease level is low (well, high if my hypochondriac microbiologist husband has his input) and we have enough food and beer to keep the crew (i.e. kids) happy... okay so we don't actually give them beer but on occasion it has crossed my mind to give the boy sedatives so he'll sleep past 6 a.m. I'm kidding. Do not call social services. I don't know what it is that has me feeling so blue. Could be some late post partum. God knows I've been through that before. I just have been feeling lately that I want a clean slate. Like I could have a big "Do Over" for the past few months. I'm all itchy to move out of our house which we love and built to our specifications but I somehow think that a new house will magically be easier to tidy and maintain. You see? I know my thoughts are completely illogical, and yet there is this voice in my head (figuratively, not literally. I haven't heard from that other voice for years now...;) that says these thoughts have merit. So I'm going to pray now that God will just keep my feet stepping one in front of the other until I have it in me to pick up the pace once again. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me, or in my case ties a rope around my waist and drags me along for a while. Fortunately God is much gentler than I am and doesn't do that but I'd be happy even with that right now! Off to bed. It's far too late and I need sleep badly!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Let the winds blow you to the happening town of P for a week or so. Women hanging with women to share the responsibility of cooking, cleaning and caring for hoodlums. Mmm? I'll call you later!