
Chickpea Wisdom

Stuff of Life I stepped on a chickpea on my kitchen floor today… not a big deal, right? At first I was bit annoyed because I know I’ll have to clean up the mess plus I’ve got chickpea on the bottom of my sock (well part of it anyway… there’re so many holes down there I probably mostly got it on my actual foot). But then I realized… “Hey! I just stepped on a chickpea… in order to step on a chickpea, it follows logically that I must actually feed my family chickpeas (which I do).” And I felt good about the chickpea on the floor because I want to be the kind of mum who feeds her family healthy stuff like chickpeas. Thanks, little chickpea… you just boosted my mum-fidence (That’s confidence in myself as a mother) Let’s just hope I don’t step on any Kraft Dinner in the near future… Spiritual Insight of the Day Miriam got a bible memory game featuring bible characters (cartoonized and anglicized beyond any realistic image, but I digress…) and today as she was playing with it, when she found a match she’d ask me to identify the character followed by “why?” (Meaning “tell me the story”) Miriam: (holding up a card) Who is this? Me: That’s Martha (Thank goodness for the label because the picture is essentially a frowning woman with a table and plate in the background) Miriam: Why? Me: She’s Mary’s sister. Martha’s upset. Mary isn’t helping with the dishes. She’s sitting at Jesus’ feet, listening to him tell stories. But Martha says ‘hey! Come here and help me clean up this mess! Help me with the dishes!” Miriam: Oh Me: But do you know who made the better choice? (Miriam shakes her head) It was Mary. It’s better to sit at Jesus feet and listen to him than to do the dishes. And that’s when the light went on. My own “A-ha” moment. Not that I’m excusing myself from housework altogether, but at the same time, it helps to have a little big-picture perspective once in a while. Scrap Idea of the Day/Still Learning Surf the Net! That’s the idea for today. To help you, I’ve spent the last few days checking out a number of sites and following bunny trails to find what I think are some of the most useful and/or interesting sites out there. This list may change, so check back once in a while for new additions. The list on the left of the screen should be a good start at using the internet to inspire and assist your scrapbooking. Over and Out!

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