
Great Kids

Stuff of Life I love Grandparents… specifically grandparents who are willing to take the children off our hands over night so we (Jim and I) can kick back and focus on ourselves and our relationship. Good stuff. I’ve spent yesterday and today tidying the house and catching up on laundry so that when I drop two of three off tomorrow, I can come home and not think “Gee, I should just toss a load in the dryer while I’ve got time.” Nope. No siree Bob. I will NOT be doing anything even remotely resembling housework during my time off! To assist in this matter we will go for dinner, meet some friends for breakfast, and possibly lunch it out as well. The only dishes produced should be Jim’s morning coffee cup, Carmen’s nightly bottle of preserved breastmilk, and perhaps my own tea cup. Laundry avoidance strategy? We’re throwing out tomorrow’s clothes after we wear them… just kidding. I wish. A fun day with the kids today. It makes me wonder what makes one day totally laid back and low maintenance, and others wound up and stressful. It really doesn’t seem like I did anything out of the ordinary, but today was just so easy. Finnegan is starting to get a mind of his own, and is learning to ignore my requests to, for example, give the puzzle piece back to Miriam. And the counting to 3 strategy doesn’t work because he immediately starts crying “Don’t count! Don’t count!” and is so focused on me not counting that he won’t do anything at all but dance around all panicked! So silly (or “dilly” as he’d say) But we had a great day with playing outside. I can push him way higher on the swing than I ever pushed Miriam at the same age. He’s not particularly a daredevil (actually he’s a bit of a chicken – doesn’t like being swung around or tossed in the air) but I think he sees Miriam swinging high and want to be like her. Her little shadow. So cute. Miriam was so into words today. After her quiet time, she got out some paper and markers and wrote a letter to Nana and Grandpa: “Tomorrow I like to have a sleepover” complete with an illustration of her and Finnegan outside their front door and Jim and I “away” with Jim having a mad face because he doesn’t want to stand on my head but that’s the only place to draw him. On another page she wrote “Macaroni and cheese” and “Perogies and sourcream” and drew pictures as well (though what a horse has to do with KD, I have no idea). Then later after bath time she was running up and down the stairs between the bathroom and the kitchen table, and when I finally inquired as to what she was doing she showed me that she’d written the words “hot” “bath” and “cold” which she’d read off the taps and written on her page (short term memory only held a few letters in her mind at a time, thus the running back and forth!) Carmen as usual is a delight – it just comes with the territory at this age, I think. She sleeps AWESOME (ten-ish to seven with rarely a wake between.) During the day she hangs out wherever she’s dumped…er, I mean, lovingly placed… and often entertains herself with her new best friend, Mr Right Hand Thumb. This frequently results in a gradual drifting off to la-la-land. And when she’s awake, she just talks and smiles and looks adorable. That’s all for today. Off to bed to rest for my day of rest!

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